For Ukrainians a song is something bigger than a harmony of melody and lyrics. It’s a wave of hope before the fight of the destiny. It’s a way of telling the history to the descendants. It’s a strong feeling of hope. A song flew through the centuries absorbing the wisdom of the centuries and came back to people bringing belief, hope and love. No other country has such a huge number of folk songs as Ukraine. Folklorists estimate that more than half a million Ukrainian folk songs have been recorded so far.
Seeking protection in Ireland we didn’t want to wait but we started to act and create. We gathered and created our own cultural and social space. We founded Malva the Ukrainian Choir.
Malva stands for the mallow flower. The mallow flower is one of the symbols of love to motherland, your people, your home. Also it is a symbol of wisdom, faith, hope and love. Folk beliefs are that the souls of ancestors settle on the mallow flower and protect the residents of the house. Our ancestors believed that if you take flowers with you on a trip, the traveler will definitely return to the motherland.